Saturday, December 24, 2016

Ho, ho, ho ... Day Twenty-Seven

It is here!
The stockings are hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there... 

Now it is time to wrap, bake, and keep an eye out for Rudolph.

Silk pajamas from Sleepy Jones

image via

Friday, December 23, 2016

Ho, ho, ho ... Day Twenty-Six

Time is running out! A few last minute ideas to help those who are still stumped.

Give an experience gift...  tickets to a Broadway show, gift certificate to a hot new restaurant, membership to a museum... everyone loves having something to look forward to.

For most of us, winter is just getting started.  A new hat to get us thru the impending Polar Vortex will sure come in handy.

In keeping with the winter theme, a wool blanket that also dubs as a scarf.

Every girl wants a pair of Rebecca de Ravenel earrings!