Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bed of Roses...

Park Avenue will soon be coming up roses, thanks to artist Will Ryman.  Later today, "The Roses" will be unveiled along the mall from 57th street to 67th street.  Inspired by the opening sequence of Blue Velvet, a film by David Lynch, the installation aims to look beyond the perception of perfection, and delve into the primal underworld of beauty.  Made of fiberglass and stainless steel, some of the exaggerated flowers hover twenty-five feet above ground.  One and two feet long beetles and ladybugs peer out of some forty buds, ranging from five to ten feet in diameter.  Ryman brings some welcomed whimsey to mask the looming winter months.   The installation will be in view thru May 31st.          

A digital image of what 57th street will look like.

Image courtesy of nytimes.com

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