Sunday, April 17, 2011

Game Changers...

Bloomberg television aired a marathon of 'Game Changers' this weekend.  Fascinating profiles of today's business and media's one's to watch - Steve Jobs, Jay-Z, Mickey Drexler, Mark Zuckerberg, Anna Wintour, and the list goes on.  Mickey Drexler spoke of J.Crew now as a private equity company, and being at the helm of fashion retail  during a "choppy economy".  Ms. Wintour did not sit down one on one with the interviewer, but former publishing director of Vogue Tom Florio, designer Vera Wang, and executive vice president of global design Patrick Robinson, spoke on her influence on fashion.  
It is an inspirational, exciting thirty minutes of television.  Watching individuals passion and drive lead them up the corporate ladder and leave their stamp on today's culture.  

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