Thursday, May 21, 2020

Back at it...

At the start of safer-at-home I cooked a lot.  I did my best to have a zero-waste kitchen; stale bread turned into croutons, vegetables were cooked in large batches, and perishables were put in the freezer before they had to chance to over ripen.  It was a daily routine that forced me to be a little more clever than usual, try out new things.
Somewhere along the way I lost this.   I'm not cooking as much, not feeling creative, not inspired.  My goal as we approach a new Season is to get back to this - cook, look up recipes, get excited about something.

Already on my list is a Summer favorite from Martha Stewart (bonus, I already have all of the ingredients), No-Knead Bread (again, I have the ingredients, not sure about an oven safe dutch oven though) and maybe a trip to the farmers market will result in a fruit crostata.

Image of Alice Watersrefrigerator, hoping to spark inspiration

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