Friday, March 12, 2021



Springlike temperatures in the Northeast have brought a smile to my face.  Bring on the bike rides, long walks, fresh flowers.

Some things that caught my eye lately...

Design Time by Domino Magazine's podcast.   I love an interior design podcast - I find I am constantly googling images while listening and incredibly inspired.  I recently listened to Jessie Loeffler-Randall's talk with Domino, and loved.  Jessie has an absolutely charming instagram and aesthetic.  Her love of soft pastels and gingham, and Horror Vacui, make her one of my favorite follows.  Next up, a trip to her new Prince Street shop

My favorite purchase of 2020 and 2021 was the Nap Dress.  

Simple ways to Spring-ify your home

On the to-bake list, blueberry muffins

The immersive Van Gogh exhibit comes to NYC

image via Pinterest

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