Monday, November 20, 2023

Hostess gifts...


The next five weeks are filled with get-togethers.  And with that comes the host/hostess gift.  Unless your host doesn't drink, skip the corner liquor store on the way, and opt for something a little more special.  After all, you want to be invited back next year!

The Rounds.  By far my best find of the last five years.  Tiny customizable cookies sure to delight the dessert table, and that last glass of Sancerre.

Did your hosts go on a Disney Cruise this year? And, somehow love it?  A token to commemorate their excitement, paired with a look of 'I'd never'.

Betcha no one else is bringing a Pickleball ornament to the party!

There are some parties where you show up hungry.  You know there will be plenty of hors d'oeuvres and they will be delish.  The Jennifer Fisher salt trio is sure to spark conversation about the next dinner party.

No matter what, a good guest always writes a note the next day.   

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