Monday, November 20, 2017

The Maryn...

It is pop-up season.  Online only retailers 'pop-up' in temporary spaces for the holiday season.   One Kings Lane did this in Southampton last summer (rumor is they are coming back next summer!); Goop opened their second NYC pop-up just last week, #GoopGift. 
The Maryn has also jumped on the pop-up bandwagon.  Michelle Adams, previously of domino and Lonny, launched the Maryn as an online arena for interiors and design based on her favorite seaside locations.   The site is filled with charming tabletop items, fluffy pillows, and affordable art. 
This season, in Ann Arbor, MI, Adams opened a brick and mortar pop-up bringing her vision of seaside charm to life.  Not planning a trip to Michigan over the holidays?  No worries, the entire shop is available online.

images via

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