Friday, January 12, 2018


To say that is has been cold lately, is an understatement.
Temperatures in the single digits have made for a lot of time spent at home.
A few things I have been up to recently.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.  Set in  1958 in NYC, Miriam Maisel appears to have it all, husband, children, a beautiful Upper West Side apartment, but, when things go awry she discovers a hidden talent.  Charming, witty, and laugh out loud funny, there is a reason this show did so well at the Golden Globes. I can't wait for Season 2.

The holidays were filled with bread, cheese and wine, not to mention dessert, dessert, and more dessert.  In attempts to try to get back to a sense of normal I am on the goop detox
While parts of the plan are a bit much for me, this breakfast and this salad are things I would eat after the detox is thru. 

My apartment is a constant work in progress.  Santa brought me this teapot, that is a charming addition to my kitchen.  This weekend when NYC is expected to get London-style rain, I plan to brew tea and maybe eat a scone (not detox friendly).  Next up, a coffee table.  I have my eye on this one, and this one.  

Net-a-Porter is on final sale.  Time to add to cart!

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