Tuesday, November 30, 2021

All I want for Christmas... The Discerning Friend

We all have one.  That friend we've had forever who is impossible to shop for.  Buys herself what she wants, doesn't have any specific hobbies or collections of note, shuns mainstream consumer behavior, yet truly appreciates a good gift.  I never think buying a gift, just to buy a gift is a good idea, but particularly doesn't apply here.

1. Designer coffees add up.  A gift card to her favorite locale equals a happily caffeinated friend. editor note: a gift card is not my go-to, ever! But, for coffee, exceptions can be made.

2.  You can't go wrong with anything Flamingo Estate.   Gorgeous packaging, quirky scents, all from a stunning estate/farm in California.  Watch out Goop.  

3.  There is a reason why you are friends.  

4. Don't exchange physical gifts, go to dinner instead.  A reservation at the latest hotspot is a gift in and of itself.

image via Stella McCartney

Monday, November 29, 2021

All I want for Christmas... Blue

 Her favorite color is blue.  All shades of blue.  When in doubt, pick blue.    

1. Le Lion x Parterre cardigan sweater.  Le chic!

2. Tory Burch spongeware pitcher. Channel Tory and fill with peonies.

3.  A lampshade you say? A Fermoie lampshade is the Ritz Paris of lampshades.  The name of this fabric is 'blue wicker', 'nuff said.   

4. Wilhelmina Garcia clover signet ring.  Blue has always brought her luck. 

image via pinterest

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

All I want for Christmas... Mom

 What do you get the Woman that taught you about the art of the gift?  

My Mom reads this, so as to not spoil any surprises, here are past gifts and runners-up in the category. 

1. To keep up with her children and grandchildren.

2. Velvet slippers.  Little luxuries. 

3. She consults Anna on her sunglasses

4.  Mom is allergic to everything except cashmere

image via pinterest

Monday, November 22, 2021

All I want for Christmas... Littles


They have very specific tastes, don't hold back in their opinions, and just want to play with your phone.  They definitely heard Rudolph on the roof, and can't wait to show you what Santa brought for them.  

1. He might say they are boring, but his parents will love no laces to tie!

2. There is nothing sweeter than kids in pajamas.   

3. Make them hot chocolate, and do Mr. Napkinhead. 

4.  Ceramic LED nightlights kids can color themselves.  Is this just for kids? Asking for a friend.

image via the glampad

Friday, November 19, 2021

All I want for Christmas... The Fun Aunt

The one who is always planning her next move, and you are most excited to sit next to at Thanksgiving.  She lets you do the things your parents don't. She gets down on the floor to play, and has treasures hidden in her bag.  

 1. Jane Birkin carried a basket year round, so does she.

2. Her passport is always up to date.  

3. Always wearing jewelry.

4. She is chic in shearling. Practical shoes are not her thing.

image via pinterest

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

All I want for Christmas... Sister

 Your Sister who has everything, wants nothing, needs everything.  She has a closet full of handbags and shoes that rival Bergdorf Goodman. Her vintage Patagonia's are in constant rotation (the new are just not the same).  She isn't into gimmicks or fads.  She is an excellent gift giver, and likes when you and she are twins.   

1. Cool kicks.  This falls under the category of, one for you - one for me.

2. When she eschews sleeves.  

3. Has a fondness for nostalgia.  

4. Loves a good charm for her bracelet.

left image via pinterest

Friday, November 12, 2021

All I want for Christmas... Host

The date is set, the RSVP's are in, now for the fun.  Take a cue from some party legends and throw a soiree the town will talk about.  Make a playlist, usher guests out of the kitchen, and mingle with those you weren't quarantined with.

1. Everyone is testing out their social skills.  Games and silly hats help lighten the mood.   

2. Don't forget the food.  Yes, a cheese board is lovely, but a crowd responds to passed hors d'oeuvres. In the words of Ina Garten, this can be store bought!

3. Lauren Santo Domingo once said, a Hostess wears flats at home.  Flats it is.  

4.  Je deteste paper napkins.  Chances are you have a cabinet filled with linen cocktail napkins.  Use them!  

Thursday, November 11, 2021

All I want for Christmas... Hostess

Social butterfly season is upon us; receiving invitations, and maybe even hosting.  The Hostess gift can be tricky.  What is a token of appreciation that won't end up in the re-gift pile?   A few tips:

No one wants a scented candle.  Scents are so specific, don't assume she will love what you love.

She has likely planned her party to the minute, do not crowd her kitchen/bar with a last minute wine from the corner liquor store.  Unless you know her favorite vineyard, skip this.

Flowers are always appreciated, but send ahead of time.  Don't put your Hostess on the spot to search for a vase, and a home, for the blooms in the middle of the party.

Mingle and have fun.  Party-poopers are never invited back.

Let's get the gift out of the way, so you can party!

1.  Does she have standing manicure appointments and carry the latest designer handbag?  Voting this will be a hit.

2.  Has it been ten years since your Host touched a carb?  They will devour a glass croissant ornament, or two.  

3. What is your Hostess' drink of choice?  Does she live for a 5pm Martini?  More of a Scotch neat guy?  This guide will take all the guess work out of where to get their fix. 

4.  Hosting is exhausting.  Coffee helps.

left image by everything fab via pinterest

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Let's go shopping...


One of my favorite things to do is find the perfect gift.  Thoughtful, fun, and useful - the perfect gift!

Gift Guides lately seem predictable, dare I say boring.  I have some ideas.  Who is on your list?  The highbrow Hostess?  The cool Aunt?  The discerning Friend?      

Leave a comment.  Slide into my DMs.  And, stay tuned!

image unknown    

Tuesday, November 2, 2021