Thursday, November 11, 2021

All I want for Christmas... Hostess

Social butterfly season is upon us; receiving invitations, and maybe even hosting.  The Hostess gift can be tricky.  What is a token of appreciation that won't end up in the re-gift pile?   A few tips:

No one wants a scented candle.  Scents are so specific, don't assume she will love what you love.

She has likely planned her party to the minute, do not crowd her kitchen/bar with a last minute wine from the corner liquor store.  Unless you know her favorite vineyard, skip this.

Flowers are always appreciated, but send ahead of time.  Don't put your Hostess on the spot to search for a vase, and a home, for the blooms in the middle of the party.

Mingle and have fun.  Party-poopers are never invited back.

Let's get the gift out of the way, so you can party!

1.  Does she have standing manicure appointments and carry the latest designer handbag?  Voting this will be a hit.

2.  Has it been ten years since your Host touched a carb?  They will devour a glass croissant ornament, or two.  

3. What is your Hostess' drink of choice?  Does she live for a 5pm Martini?  More of a Scotch neat guy?  This guide will take all the guess work out of where to get their fix. 

4.  Hosting is exhausting.  Coffee helps.

left image by everything fab via pinterest

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