Monday, February 20, 2023

Living for the court...


This has unofficially become a tennis site.  Day-to-day getting dressed lately has been tricky; it is hot, it is cold, and the perennial problem of what shoes to wear.  Tennis on the other hand, is easy.  Dresses and shirts are cute, and fun, and things I genuinely want to buy and wear.  

From May thru October, my tennis club requires 90% white attire, so my edits tend to lean that way.  A few things on my list for Summer tennis!

Tennis dresses have become my go-to.  This one is worth a try and on sale!
New sneakers are at the top of my list for the new season.  
We all need a chic tote to carry our racquet in.  Kule for the win.  
My absolute favorite tennis skirt of all time is on sale.  
Who says you can't have fun with socks?!
A classic white sleeveless tank, to show off that amazing forearm.

14 weeks until Summer, but who is counting!?

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