Monday, December 14, 2020

Twelve Days of Christmas... Day 7

 If this year has taught me anything, it is to value what you have, and to use everything!  My teapot comes out almost daily, this sweater is in constant rotation, and this Hugo Guinness print is facing me as I type. Spending so much time at home has made me appreciate all that I have even more, and lead me to a few things I am hoping for...

1. Dyson hair dryer.  This has been on my list for a while.  The current push for me is size.  It is smaller than other hairdryers, meaning more space in bathroom drawers. Now that I am the only one that will be drying my hair for the foreseeable future, maybe it is not so crazy.

2.  Pizza Cutter and Ice Cream Scoop.  Yes, basic kitchen tools.  I have a mandolin, spatulas in all shapes and sizes, but not the most basic items.

3. Memo notecards.  My response to being stuck at home earlier this year was to write notes to my friends.  Getting mail was something fun to look forward to.  That said, I'm running low on stationery.  

4.  Fabric.  I love upholstery.  LOVE. IT.  I have visions of  oversized pillows on my couch in 2021.

5. Puzzles.  I completed my Grey Malin beach puzzle three times.  A new one is in order for winter.  


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