Thursday, April 2, 2020

Spring spruce...

You learn a lot about yourself during times like this.  I have learned that, almost, all of my table linens are white.  This was probably deliberate, in attempts to work with any decor and was probably something that I read somewhere.  Now, I am realizing, while setting a table for one, it looks a little stark and sad.   
For the first time I am craving color.  
I bought pink and orange tulips the other day, in a complete departure from my white and green rule.
I even want color on my plate - I cannot eat enough greens, clementines, sweet potatoes, bright cheery food.  

Maybe if the Easter Bunny is reading, in lieu of candy this year, he can put this gorgeous tablecloth and napkins from India Armory in my basket (or just set the table for me)!

image via India Armory

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