Wednesday, April 1, 2020

New Uniform...

By my count, I am on day 21 of quarantine/staying home/staying safe, whatever you would like to call it.
I have baked, watched TV, completed puzzles, and Zoomed.  
My wardrobe has also adapted to a new normal, hooded sweatshirts.  Yes, you read that correctly, I wear sweatshirts now.  Just before this all happened I was gifted a new hooded sweatshirt from Rowing Blazers, that I have been living in. I've also pulled out a RLX (RIP) soft hooded sweater and my Montauk sweatshirt (Summer!).  These are now in constant rotation.  I don't know what there is about the comfort of a hood, but it is working now.
I also like this version from Madewell, on sale, and from Etoile Isabel Marant - tie-dye and on sale, check, check!

image of Grace Kelly via Pinterest

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