Thursday, January 4, 2024

Year in review...


I don't believe in resolutions, per-se. But, I do believe in self-awareness.  In 2023 I took stock of what I was buying,  using a simple list in my Notes app divided by month.  I fell victim to the after Holiday sales in January buying tennis dresses, skirts and tops, a cashmere sweater, jeans, workout leggings, and a cocktail dress.   As the months continued the items per month dwindled, in December I bought a book and an eyeshadow palette.  While I am far from perfect when it comes to this, I did buy some new favorite pieces.  And, I learned I have a weak spot for tennis clothing, tees from Target, and all pants.

A list is my friend.  Writing down what I have alongside holes/specific needs in my closet help to prevent thoughtless purchases.  I'm on a hunt for a black crewneck cashmere sweater, and will not settle for anything less than perfect.  

This is an exercise I will bring into 2024. I like the list form.  I like the constant reminder. 

image via pinterest 

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