Friday, March 21, 2014

Hold the parsley... recently released a video of Sarah Jessica Parker answering 73 questions at random.
Her favorite word that starts and ends with the same vowel: Aria.
Her favorite accessory in her living room: A collection of illuminated globes.
Her least favorite food: Parsley.

Many years ago, I was an assistant on a cover shoot with SJP and Glamour Magazine.  Tensions were high… she is a mega star.  Fresh off the Sex and the City series, diving head first into film, and style icon, everything had to be perfect.   Her rider (list of conveniences) was fairly simple: a car from a specific service was to drive her to/from set, the shoot needed to end by a certain time, and there was to be no parsley on any of the catering.  It was my job, at the time, to ensure that all of these demands were met, I scheduled her car, ensured that the shoot moved along at an appropriate pace, and checked the catering when it arrived.  Shredded green garnish - everywhere!  Everything had to be sent back to the kitchen and remade without any accoutrements.  To this day, it remains ingrained in my brain that SJP does not do parsley!  

Glamour Magazine, March 2006

video courtesy of
image courtesy of

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